How to Write Life Coach Press Release? Sample Template & Example

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Life doesn’t come with a user’s manual. Luckily, life coaches provide clients with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate the many challenges that lie ahead. Marrying personal experience with specialized training, these professionals help people to remap their journey so they can reach their goals sooner rather than later. 

When it comes to marketing their business, however, life coaches need help, too. For one, competition is fierce as each practitioner promises to hold the key to solve all of a person’s problems. Moreover, there’s the issue of trust: how can you convince potential clients that you’re an expert rather than a faker?

Need a press release that will make you more credible and professional? In this article, we show you how to write a press release for your life coaching business.

It’s for this reason that press releases or press releases are an especially apt marketing channel for life coaches. After all, PRs are selected by news editors and are featured in trusted local media outlets. While any life coach can run ad campaigns on Facebook, the editorial process separates the wheat from the chaff, ensuring that only reputable experts are given coverage by their publication. 

Press releases also have a knock-on effect on your business, too. Once people read about you in the news, they’re more likely to visit your website or follow your Facebook page for more information. In short, press releases are the gift that keeps on giving.

But here’s the question: do you know how to write one? If not, this is the template and example you’ve been looking for.

Your Press Release should include the following information:

  • Catchy headline
  • Details about your life coaching
    • Name of your practice
    • Location
    • Your qualifications
    • Coaching services offered
    • Format of coaching (in-person/virtual/weekly, etc.)
  • What the coaching sessions can help clients achieve
  • Quote from you or a satisfied client
  • Relevant image: company logo, your professional portrait, photo of your office/practice
  • Business website URL
  • Release date
  • Dateline
  • Boilerplate  (about your practice and qualifications)
  • Contact information (contact person, address, phone)


life coach press release
Get your message out to the public with our press release template and sample to get both your credibility and expertise noticed!


Let’s apply the recommendations and the list above to a real case scenario. For the purposes of this exercise, let us assume that you wish to promote a holistic program that helps clients improve multiple aspects of their life. As you can see in the example below, it leads off with the top-line information, then delves into the details of the service. Take a closer look and see if you can identify the parts mentioned in the template above.

Garland, TX Life Coach Launches a Holistic Passion-Driven Mentorship Course

Garland, TX , Release:  October 04, 2021.  For Immediate Release

Garland, TX-based Rethink Coaching, Inc. announces the launch of its updated life coaching service. This offering allows clients to overcome roadblocks that prevent them from being their true selves and reaching their full potential. 

More information about Rethink Coaching, Inc. is available via

This upgraded service was launched to help people discover and build their life around their true purpose. The program is headed by Jane Valmadre, a DreamBuilder and Life Mastery Institute certified coach. 

Recent studies show that Americans have never been more unhappy, with their happiness level dipping to its lowest in 50 years. And with the challenges brought about by the current pandemic, more people are likely to feel discouraged. 

Valmadre says that when one feels stuck in life, it is the best time to seek a life coach who can help them reframe their mindset. Doing so allows a person to master themselves and strive for their goals, regardless of the challenges they might face. 

To help clients successfully fulfill their dream, Valmadre’s service takes a holistic approach to life coaching. More specifically, it helps people thrive in the following aspects: time, money, freedom, health, relationships, career, and creative expression. 

The lessons taught are meant to help people design a lifestyle that’s aligned with their passions. By doing so, they are able to explore different possibilities and pursue ever-bigger goals.

Valmadre provides both short speaking engagements and whole-day seminars where she imparts her expertise. She can also provide one-on-one coaching for individual clients, or develop effective group coaching programs. 

Rethink Coaching, Inc. is a leading life coaching provider that caters to clients from a wide variety of backgrounds. Its goal is to help people enjoy passion-led lives that are true to their soul’s calling. 

Valmadre says: “Dreaming big is an excellent trait, but making big dreams happen is not always easy. Our DreamBuilder program gives people the mindset and tools they need to successfully reach whatever goal they set their mind to.”

Further information about Rethink Coaching, Inc. and its services is available through

Writing a press release takes a little bit of practice, but once you’ve learned the basics you can write one with your eyes closed. Just be sure that whatever it is you’re announcing is truly newsworthy so editors will notice your press releases immediately.


With the help of this marketing tool, you can effectively establish both your credibility and expertise in life coaching. You can reach clients you never thought you could — and jump-start your practice’s growth like never before.

So give this template a try and write your very first press release!

[Headline Of The Press Release]

[City] [State] Release Date: [“For Immediate Release” or a concrete date]

[Summary Section: Briefly describe your announcement]

[Insert a quote from the life coach or a client]

[Write an additional paragraph to provide more details about the announcement

try to respond to all relevant W-questions (where, what, why, when, who)]

[Insert another quote or another section with details about the services offered]

[Include a call to action and an URL address where the reader can find more information]

[Boilerplate message about the organizer: insert the following information

Contact info:
Contact person:

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  • Thula Chelvan

    Thula is a seasoned content expert who loves simplifying complex ideas into digestible content. With her experience creating easy-to-understand content across various industries like healthcare, telecommunications, and cybersecurity, she is now honing her skills in the art of crafting compelling PR. In her spare time, Thula can be found indulging in her love for art and coffee.

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