How to Write a Concert Announcement Press Release: Sample Template & Example

In This Guide:

  • 13 key elements that concert announcement press release must have like concert name, artists involved, ticket pricing, and others.
  • 1 concert announcement press release example for effective press release insights.
  • 1 customizable template to use for your own concert announcement press release.
Write a Concert Announcement Press Release
In this comprehensive guide, discover the art of writing a press release for concerts with our sample, template, and expert tips.

Your Concert Announcement Press Release Should Include the Following Information

Are you in need of an easy step-by-step guide that can  save you the time and hassle of planning and writing your press release announcement for an upcoming concert? As your press release will be competing against hundreds, maybe even thousands, other press releases, how do you make sure that you cut through the noise and separate your news from the pack?

You first start by making sure that your concert announcement press release has the following

  1. Catchy headline
  2. Concert name
  3. Concert location
  4. Concert participants, artists, players
  5. Concert tickets (price, seating)
  6. Concert music genre
  7. Quote from involved parties – artists, manager, organizer (recommended), record label CEO
  8. Relevant image: artists/player, images from previous concerts, album  (recommended)
  9. Artist/organizer website URL
  10. Release date
  11. Dateline
  12. Boilerplate – about the artists;
  13. Contact information (contact person, organizer address, phone)


Check out this example to see how you can take any story and strategically turn it into a cool and relevant piece of exciting news. With very little effort your press release can have  the same effect.

LoopZen Victoria Johnson Returns to Oasis with a New Music Project Helicopter 15

San Francisco, CA, Release: May 18, 2018. For Immediate Release

On Monday, May 21, enter the enchanting world of Grammy winner Victoria Johnson, vocalist of LoopZen and multi-instrumentalist Victoria Johnson, and 15 special guests for an interactive jazz session at Oasis Theatre. The show will take the audience on a far-out flight to outer space and back. During the concertSan Francisco community members will enjoy a magical experience: they will become passengers on Helicopter 15 and explore the power of love and the mysteries of science with the sounds of modern and traditional chanted jazz patterns.

More information about Victoria Johnson and her creative project can be found at:

Helicopter 15 comes to Oasis Theatre direct from the European Jazz Fest Miracles. The LoopZen band and friends from the music industry will welcome travelers of all ages and will introduce them to a new sensory experience. New age songs and folks songs played on an  accordion and flute will create an interstellar, cosmic atmosphere.

The music of LoopZen is claimed to have healing powers, because of its relaxing nature.  It has been used by music therapists in various states across the country and has shown to positively affect the wellbeing of listeners.

“We are extremely grateful that we are so warmly welcomed here in San Francisco and are looking forward to offering a conducive environment in which people even with cognitive and developmental differences, can enjoy the world of music,” said Victoria Johnson on a live talk show.

LoopZen and friends will perform Helicopter 15 on Monday, May 21 at 6 p.m in Oasis theatre. Single tickets range from $35 -$70 and can be purchased online at or in person at the Oasis Ticket Office at 53 Gearu Boulevard.

Contact info:
Name: Victoria Johnson
Address: Buena Vista & Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117
Phone: +1-880-706-6051

Fine-tune your message and become maximally effective in writing press releases by using the following template.


[Headline Of The Press Release]

[City] [State} Release Date: [“For Immediate Release” or a concrete date]

[Summary Section: Briefly describe your announcement]

[Insert a quote from a company representative related to the news]

[Write an additional paragraph to provide more details about the announcement: try to respond to all relevant W-questions (where, what, why, when, who)]

[Insert another quote or another section with details about the concert: day, location, participants, tickets]

[Include a call to action and an URL address where the reader can find more information about the concert or the artists]

[Boilerplate message about the organizer: insert the following information

Contact info:
Contact Person:

Now that you have your press release announcement, the show can begin. If you want more samples for the music industry, we have press release templates for music magazinemusic album launch, rock band, and recording studio.

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Discover AmpiFire and get your content published on more sites, in more ways, than old-fashioned Press Releases. Get seen on Google News, YouTube, SlideShare, Apple Podcasts and many more…

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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I include in the concert details?

Include the name of the concert, the location, and the date. These are the non-negotiables that people need to know.

How important are the artists and participants?

Extremely. Highlighting the artists and participants adds star power and credibility to your concert.

What’s the deal with concert ticket information?

Ticket information is crucial. People need to know how much they’re shelling out and where they can secure their spot.

Why mention the music genre?

The music genre sets the mood. It helps potential attendees decide if your concert is their scene.

How can AmpiFire help my concert announcement press release?

AmpiFire can distribute your press release to a broader audience. It’s not the end-all-be-all, but it’s a tool that can help you get more traction.


  • Thula is a seasoned content expert who loves simplifying complex ideas into digestible content. With her experience creating easy-to-understand content across various industries like healthcare, telecommunications, and cybersecurity, she is now honing her skills in the art of crafting compelling PR. In her spare time, Thula can be found indulging in her love for art and coffee.

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