How to Submit a Press Release to The Washington Post & Get Backlinks

News sources like The Washington Post reach a worldwide audience. Leveraging their reputation for your press release can do wonders for your business.

The Washington Post Press Release vs. Submitting a News Story Tip

The Washington Post, often abbreviated as WaPo, isn’t just a random news outlet; it’s a globally respected institution. Boasting over 100 million unique visitors per month and a legacy dating back to the late 1800s, it stands tall in the news industry. Most importantly, the publication isn’t just about sheer numbers. It primarily serves an audience who crave well-researched, in-depth stories – whether they’re based in the U.S. or scattered around the world. Such an audience composition is particularly beneficial for anyone looking to establish credibility in the U.S market or tap into a global, educated readership.

Online tools like Similarweb can help you better understand the massive reach of sites like The Washington Post.

Press Release or News Submission: What’s the Difference?

Submitting a press release or a news story tip to The Washington Post might seem like the same thing, but there are subtle, yet important differences. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Press Release Direct Publication: When you publish a press release directly on The Washington Post, it’s essentially a paid advertisement, crafted to look and read like a traditional news article. Think of it as having a reserved space to announce your latest product launch, corporate achievement, or any significant event related to your business. Because it’s paid content, you’ll have more control over what’s being said, how it’s presented, and its visibility.
  • News Story Tip Submission: A news story tip, on the other hand, is a pitch to the journalists and editors of The Washington Post. It’s like whispering a potentially explosive or groundbreaking piece of news into the ear of a reporter. If your story is picked up, it gets covered organically by the newsroom. However, there’s no guarantee of coverage, and you lose some control over the narrative, as it’s in the hands of the journalists.

Therefore, deciding between the two comes down to what you value more: guaranteed space and narrative control (press release) or potential organic coverage with a touch of unpredictability (news story tip).

Remember, no matter which path you choose, having your content associated with The Washington Post lends instant credibility, given the publication’s esteemed reputation and vast reach.

How to Contact The Washington Post to Feature Your Story

Before diving into the logistics of reaching out, it’s crucial to introduce yourself professionally. Remember, you’re aiming to catch the attention of a world-class publication. Most importantly, you need to make sure that you correctly determine the best point of contact for your story.

Contact Information for The Washington Post

Below is a partial list of journalists that work for The Washington Post.

Additionally, there are several ways to reach out to The Washington Post directly with your press release.

For general news releases, you can contact the different departments directly>

The Washington Post also offers a detailed Contact Page, with directions on how to contact newsroom leadership with your story.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Contacting The Washington Post

When contacting The Washington Post, following certain guidelines can increase the chances of your story being picked up. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  1. Research Your Journalist: Before sending out your pitch, research the journalist you’re contacting. Ensure they cover stories in your domain or have expressed interest in similar topics.
  2. Be Clear and Concise: Journalists are swamped with emails daily. Make sure your pitch stands out by being straightforward and avoiding jargon.
  3. Follow Up: If you don’t receive a response in a week, send a polite follow-up. Journalists appreciate persistence, but don’t be pushy.


  1. Avoid Mass Emails: Sending the same email to multiple journalists at once is a big no-no. Personalize your pitch for the individual.
  2. Don’t Overhype: Stay factual and avoid making claims that you can’t back up with data or examples.
  3. Avoid Attachments in the First Email: While it’s good to mention that you have supporting materials, avoid attaching them in the first email. If the journalist is interested, they will request them.

In conclusion, tactfully pitching your story requires a blend of research, personalization, and persistence. It’s not just about getting featured but building a lasting relationship with the journalists, making it easier for you to get your stories covered in the future.

How to Submit a Press Release & Publish Directly on The Washington Post

Navigating the process of press release submission can be intricate. Yet, when targeting a platform as eminent as The Washington Post, Forbes, or The Economist, every detail counts. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

Steps to Submit Your Press Release

  1. Craft a Compelling Press Release: Before anything else, ensure that your press release is well-written, informative, and adheres to the conventional format. Besides that, it should be news-worthy and tailored to The Washington Post’s readership.
  2. Visit Their Website: Go to The Washington Post’s official website and look for the ‘Contact’ or ‘Submit a News Tip’ section.
  3. Follow Submission Guidelines: Each platform has its specific requirements. Adhering to The Washington Post’s submission guidelines will enhance your chances of approval. Most importantly, ensure you include contact information for your organization within the release.
  4. Send & Wait: Once you’ve submitted, patience is key. If your story aligns with their standards and interests, you’ll hear back. Remember, follow-ups can be effective but should be done judiciously.

If you’d like to see what your press release will look like once it’s published to The Washington Post, check out the examples below:

Virtual reality in job training examined by The Washington Post using AT&T technology
Games newsletter “Game Break” debuts from The Washington Post

A Quicker Route with AmpiFire

While direct submissions have their merits, platforms like AmpiFire can streamline the press release distribution process. Utilizing AmpiFire, businesses can ensure their news gets the exposure it deserves, not just on one platform, but across multiple news outlets. It’s an effective way to maximize reach and save time. However, as with all tools, ensure it aligns with your business goals and strategy. Learn more about AmpiFire’s products on their website.

AmpiFire 2.0
AmpiFire converts a normal press release into multiple different formats. Then, it distributes your content across various high-authority sites.

How to Get a Backlink from The Washington Post

In the vast ocean of digital marketing, a backlink acts like a vote of confidence from one website to another. Simply put, it’s when another site links to yours. This nod not only drives traffic but also boosts the credibility and SEO ranking of your website, especially when it comes from a high-authority site.

Securing That Coveted Washington Post Backlink

Earning a backlink from The Washington Post is no small feat, but the rewards are unparalleled. Here’s a roadmap to enhance your chances:

  1. Offer Value: Most importantly, you need to provide significant value. Whether it’s groundbreaking research, an exclusive story, or a unique perspective, it needs to stand out.
  2. Engage on Their Platform: Start by regularly commenting on their articles, sharing their stories, or even responding to their tweets. Make your presence known, but always be genuine and not overly promotional.
  3. Establish Relationships with Reporters: Networking still reigns supreme. Engage with their reporters and journalists on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn. Understand their interests and pitch stories that align.
  4. Write Opinion Pieces: The Washington Post, like many news platforms, often features opinion pieces from industry experts. If you can offer a unique viewpoint on a current topic, pitch your idea.
  5. Co-author or Collaborate: Collaborate with someone who already has a track record of being published on The Washington Post. This partnership can increase your chances manifold.
  6. Be Newsworthy: If your company achieves something significant or is at the forefront of a major trend or event, make sure to publicize it. If it grabs attention, reporters might just link back to your original announcement or report.
  7. Quality Over Quantity: One high-quality, well-researched article or report is better than ten mediocre ones. Always prioritize the depth and authenticity of your content.

In the digital age, the pursuit of backlinks, especially from giants like The Washington Post, can be alluring. However, always remember to prioritize authenticity and value over mere numbers. Authenticity speaks volumes and, in the long run, is the most sustainable strategy.

While it can seem impossible to secure a backlink from a site as reputable as The Washington Post, with enough effort and planning, you can succeed,

Use AmpiFire to Publish to The Washington Post

While AmpiFire does not currently submit to The Washington Post directly, it can still be of great benefit to your business. Navigating the world of high-tier publications, especially ones as esteemed as The Washington Post, can often feel like threading a needle. It requires the perfect pitch, impeccable timing, and a bit of luck. Most importantly, it demands a deep understanding of what such platforms are looking for. This is where AmpiFire comes into play.

The Magic of AmpiFire’s Premium Service

AmpiFire’s premium service acts as a conduit, bridging the gap between businesses and major publications. Here’s how:

  1. Tailored Content Creation: AmpiFire’s team doesn’t just push your existing content. They curate, refine, and polish it to meet the exacting standards of various platforms.
  2. Optimized Distribution: Besides tailoring your content, the service identifies the best channels and timings for distribution. This ensures that your content doesn’t just reach the publication but does so when it’s most likely to be noticed.
  3. Relationships Matter: Over time, AmpiFire has cultivated relationships with major publications. This allows them a more direct line of communication, enhancing the likelihood of your content being published.
  4. Feedback Loop: One of the standout features of AmpiFire’s premium service is the feedback mechanism. If a pitch doesn’t land the first time, you’re provided with insights into why, enabling you to refine and re-target.
  5. Guaranteed Slots: With their premium service, AmpiFire also offers guaranteed slots in certain publications. While The Washington Post operates on its discretion, being with AmpiFire certainly improves your odds.
  6. Holistic Approach: AmpiFire understands that simply getting published isn’t the end goal. Therefore, they provide additional services, like optimizing for SEO and ensuring that the content drives actionable results.

For businesses, especially those without a dedicated PR team, AmpiFire’s premium service offers a valuable ally. It not only simplifies the process of getting published in outlets like The Washington Post but also ensures that when you do, it counts.

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Click Here To Learn More

Act now to leverage the power of platforms like The Washington Post and distribution services like AmpiFire. Every business has a unique story to tell, and the right platform can amplify its reach and impact.

Feeling inspired yet? How committed are you to elevating your brand’s exposure?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is The Washington Post the ideal platform for press releases and news story tips?

Choosing The Washington Post as a platform is beneficial because of its vast readership and reputation. In comparison to other platforms, it boasts over 100 million unique monthly visitors, making it a top choice for businesses and individuals looking for exposure. However, it’s important to note that its esteemed status also means higher editorial standards.

How does one professionally introduce themselves to The Washington Post for a feature?

When introducing oneself to The Washington Post for a potential feature, it’s crucial to be concise, provide relevant credentials, and clearly state the intent. Remember, first impressions are pivotal. Unlike a more casual platform like a personal blog, The Washington Post expects clarity and professionalism.

What are the primary do’s and don’ts when reaching out to The Washington Post?

The key is to be professional and persistent without being pushy. Do tailor your pitches and provide relevant information. Don’t send generic messages or be overly persistent to the point of annoyance. Platforms like The New York Times or The Guardian also expect the same level of professionalism.

How beneficial is it for a business to submit a press release to The Washington Post?

Submitting a press release to The Washington Post can elevate a business’s profile and reach, especially considering its massive readership. On the flip side, businesses should be prepared for potential scrutiny given the platform’s wide reach. When comparing it to platforms like CNN or BBC, The Washington Post offers a more localized US-centric audience.

What exactly is a backlink and why is it significant?

A backlink is a link from one website to another. Securing a backlink from The Washington Post is immensely beneficial for SEO, as it boosts the authority and credibility of the linking site. However, it’s essential to earn these organically, as opposed to unethical practices, which could harm a site’s reputation.

How can one secure a backlink from The Washington Post?

To secure a backlink, one should provide valuable, relevant content that The Washington Post would deem worthy of referencing. Compared to other platforms, such as The Wall Street Journal or Forbes, The Washington Post is equally stringent about the quality of content they link to.

Why choose AmpiFire for press release distribution?

AmpiFire, especially its premium service, offers tailored content creation, optimized distribution, and guaranteed slots in specific publications. Although there are alternatives like PRWeb or Newswire, AmpiFire’s premium service stands out due to its holistic approach to content distribution.

What distinguishes AmpiFire’s premium service from other platforms?

AmpiFire’s premium service focuses on tailored content creation, feedback mechanisms, and even SEO optimization. While platforms like PR Newswire or Business Wire focus primarily on distribution, AmpiFire offers a more comprehensive suite of services.

Is AmpiFire suitable for all types of businesses?

Absolutely. AmpiFire caters to a wide range of businesses, from startups to established entities. However, like any service, it’s essential to weigh its offerings against the specific needs and goals of a particular business.


  • Matt McDaniel

    Matt is a new addition to the team who has a passion for creating content that's accessible to everyone. He brings a background in science education to our realm of PR, using his experience in community outreach to shape the ways he approaches content creation and crafting an audience. When not writing articles for our site, Matt enjoys reading, playing with his cats, and spending time with his family.

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