5 Main Traits of A Good Press Release Writing & Distribution Service: Evaluation Criteria

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Words don’t come easily to all of us. And when they do, it doesn’ necessary mean that those words are good for a press release.

The writing of a press release in such a good quality that it gets picked up by online journalists and media outlets is a tad difficult for an average Joe because the press release has its own structure and style: it takes a certain skill to know how to do it well so that it can achieve its mission.

Do you know how to recognize the writers who possess this skill? Do you know what are the key traits of the expert press release writing services?

I’d like to make things easy for you, guys. I’ll give you the information you need in the form of a list: you can read more about the top traits that good press release writing services and the team that works in them tend to share:

1. The professional press release writers know all tricks of the trade and know how to mold your story into the press release format and identify the news angle

In order for your press release to grab the attention of the reader and for your story to be read and heard, your press release needs to have an interesting angle and be written in the right press release format.

If you opt for the standard, your press releases will fail miserably.

The professional press release writers are well trained to pick up the information relevant to the story and the right newsworthy angles. The newsworthy angle transforms the information that you include in your text into relevant and important news  that can help you hit your target.

2. They know how to keep the content simple and short without missing any important information 

As we have discussed it earlier in another post, the length of the press release is important – you don’t want to lose the reader’s attention by writing a very long text that will remain unread. You don’t want to miss an opportunity to share important information about your brand, either (especially if you’re paying a significant sum for the distribution of your press release.)

That’s why professional press release writing services know how to balance the things and use their words and provided space wisely. They are skilled in including the relevant media: offering images, videos and other extra material that the journalists  might be curious to see. And they are pretty good at are pretty throwing all unnecessary overwhelming details to the trash.

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They understand that the readers, the journalists, bloggers and editor who will receive your press release are busy and most likely won’t spend much time reading very long, drawn-out press releases. They experts know how to keep the message concise and to the point without missing any important information and

3. They easily tune to the frequency of your target audience

Do you ever read the news you are not interested in? No, the same goes with other users.

Even if many people come across your press release, in most of the cases your content will be read by those ho are interested in your area of work, your product or service.

The role of the press release is to bring and convert the quality audience. To reach and attract your targeted audience you need to tune in to their frequency.

Your press release should speak to your target audience with the right journalistic tone or otherwise, it might fail to accomplish its mission.

The professional press release writers perfectly understand the format of a press release and have mastered the art of telling your story as reporters, not as salespeople.

4. They know how to arouse the curiosity of the journalists and reporters

Contact information written at the end of the Press Release does not guarantee that the media will contact you to get the details of your story.

The content of the press release should entice the reader to ask for more.

And the professional press release writers are masters at reaching out to people and directing their actions, making them want to contact you.

A press release story that is relevant to the media outlet’s audience is more likely to get published worthwhile.

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5. They know how to present the facts accurately and how to convey credibility 

When your announcement is written in the form of a story, it gains more credibility over the traditional advertisements. Your audience takes it positively and clutches most out of your press release.

Proofreading is an important step in the Press Release writing process, during which the writer verifies that the information is clear, accurate and not misleading. The best press release writers make sure that all facts and details are mistake-free so that they don’t undermine the credibility of their client with wrong statistics, false claims, or with spelling & grammatical errors.


In short, you could easily find a cheap or free press release distribution service. But any time or money you spend, no matter how little, is wasted if it brings you no results. The different press release distribution companies offer a variety of pricing plans, so you can be sure of finding the prices and the services that best meet your needs.

If you’re wondering whether to work with a specific press release distribution writing service or not, try to evaluate whether they demonstrate the above-mentioned traits:

The best press release writing services show expertise in

  1. writing in the press release format and style that hooks  and sells your story
  2. turning standard information into news
  3. creating a message match
  4. arousing curiosity
  5. conveying credibility

If they show these characteristics, you can rest assured that they know the format and the press release marketing game.

You can proceed with your requests for press releases, knowing that they will deliver.

When you see how much your visibility increases, we’re sure you’ll want to work your way up to a higher volume and will publish even more press releases for various products, services and occasions to maximize your results.

Do you want your digital marketing to generate bigger results?

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  • Thula is a seasoned content expert who loves simplifying complex ideas into digestible content. With her experience creating easy-to-understand content across various industries like healthcare, telecommunications, and cybersecurity, she is now honing her skills in the art of crafting compelling PR. In her spare time, Thula can be found indulging in her love for art and coffee.

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