How to Submit a Press Release to Fortune & Get Backlinks

Fortune is known as a reputable news source within the business community. Getting your press release published on their site can revolutionize your business.

Fortune Press Release vs. Submitting a News Story Tip

There’s no denying that Fortune stands tall as one of the premier media platforms in the business landscape. Besides that, with millions of monthly visitors and an esteemed history that spans nearly a century, Fortune is an authority. Most importantly, it’s the go-to destination for business leaders, industry experts, and emerging entrepreneurs globally. It’s essential to tailor your content to resonate with this high-caliber audience. If your story has the power to inform, inspire, or intrigue this group, then Fortune might just be the perfect platform for you.

Online tools like Similarweb are incredibly useful to visualize the audience that sites like have.

Press Release vs. News Story Tip

When looking to share your story on Fortune, you’ll encounter two primary routes: publishing a press release directly or submitting a news story tip.

  1. Press Releases on Fortune A press release is a professionally crafted document that announces a notable event, product launch, or update related to your business. When you opt for this route:

2. News Story Tips On the other hand, submitting a news story tip involves pitching your story to Fortune’s team of journalists. This method:

  • Is more organic.
  • Allows journalists to take creative lead.
  • May bring an authentic editorial touch, but also poses the risk of your story being reframed or not chosen at all.

Therefore, the route you choose depends on your end goal. If you’re aiming for a controlled narrative, press releases are your best bet. But if you’re open to a journalist’s perspective and an organic feature, then a news story tip might be more up your alley. In conclusion, while both routes have their merits, it boils down to the control you desire over your story and how it’s presented.

How to Contact Fortune to Feature Your Story

Making that first impression count is crucial, especially when reaching out to a heavyweight like Fortune. It is critical that you determine the best way to contact Fortune before submitting your press release. Choosing the wrong contact could result in your content being ignored.

Contact Information for Fortune

Additionally, you can reach out with your press release or news tip directly to Fortune through their Contact Page.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Contacting Fortune:

When reaching out, it’s just as important to understand what to avoid as it is to know what to include. Here are some guidelines to bear in mind:


  • Be Clear: Ensure your subject line and email body are clear and straightforward. Ambiguity can be off-putting.
  • Proofread: Typos and grammatical errors can undermine your professionalism. Give your message a thorough read before hitting send.
  • Follow Up: If you don’t receive a response within a week, a polite follow-up can help bring your email to attention.


  • Avoid Being Pushy: Understand that Fortune receives numerous pitches daily. Avoid sounding desperate or pushy in your approach.
  • Skip Generic Pitches: Custom-tailor your pitch to Fortune’s audience and style. Generic or mass-produced pitches can easily be spotted and ignored.
  • Don’t Overdo Attachments: While supporting documents can be useful, avoid overwhelming the recipient with numerous attachments.

Remember, when trying to get your story featured on a platform as renowned as Fortune, Business Insider, or Al Jazeera, it’s always about the balance: be persistent but respectful, be detailed but concise. Besides that, with the right approach, your story could very well find its way into the pages or screens of millions.

How to Submit a Press Release & Publish Directly on Fortune

Fortune, with its esteemed reputation and vast readership, can offer businesses unparalleled visibility. Therefore, submitting a press release directly on this platform is a game-changer for your brand’s reach and credibility. But how exactly do you go about it?

Submission Steps:

  1. Visit Fortune’s Press Release Portal: Navigate to Fortune’s official website, and look for a dedicated section for press release submissions.
  2. Register or Log in: As a first-timer, you might need to register. Returning users can just log in.
  3. Fill in the Required Fields: Besides uploading your press release document, there may be specific fields to fill out, offering more context or categorizing your news.
  4. Pay Any Associated Fees: Some platforms, including Fortune, might charge a fee to ensure your release gets published and reaches a wide audience.
  5. Review & Submit: Double-check everything for accuracy and hit the submit button.

A Helping Hand: AmpiFire

Navigating the world of press releases can feel overwhelming. That’s where platforms like AmpiFire come in. AmpiFire assists in distributing your press releases to multiple platforms, increasing your news’s reach. So, while direct submissions have their advantages, using a service like AmpiFire can amplify your efforts, ensuring your news gets the attention it deserves. To learn more about AmpiFire’s products and services, check out their website!

AmpiFire 2.0
AmpiFire converts a traditional press release and converts it into multiple formats, then distributes it across many high-authority sites.

How to Get a Backlink from Fortune

In the digital landscape, a backlink is essentially a vote of confidence from one website to another. It’s when one website links to another. But not all backlinks are created equal. A backlink from a credible source, like Fortune, amplifies your website’s trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines and audiences. Most importantly, it can significantly boost your SEO rankings.

Navigating the Route to a Fortune Backlink:

1. Craft High-Quality Content:
The first step is creating compelling, newsworthy, and valuable content. Fortune won’t link to something mediocre. Your content should be data-driven, thoroughly researched, and offer a fresh perspective.

2. Engage with Fortune’s Online Content:
Begin by actively commenting on their articles, sharing them on your social platforms, and genuinely engaging with their content. This gets you noticed.

3. Network with Fortune Journalists:
Develop relationships with journalists and writers who cover topics in your niche. Remember, genuine relationships matter. Therefore, offer insights, provide expert quotes, or even exclusive stories.

4. Guest Contributions:
Many renowned platforms, including Fortune, accept guest articles or op-eds. If you can secure a spot as a guest contributor, naturally include a link back to your site in the content or author bio.

5. Offer Exclusive Data or Research:
Platforms like Fortune love exclusive insights. If your business conducts unique research or gathers data that’s newsworthy, pitch it. If they cover it, they’re likely to link back to the source.

6. Monitor & Reach Out:
Use tools to monitor mentions of your brand on Fortune. If they’ve mentioned you but haven’t linked, it’s okay to reach out politely and request a link.

Securing a backlink from Fortune is no small feat, but with persistence, quality content, and strategic networking, it’s within reach.

Contacting a site like Fortune to feature your press release can be difficult, but our handy guide helps streamline the process!

Use AmpiFire to Publish to Fortune

AmpiFire stands out as an innovative content amplification platform designed to get your content seen and published across a multitude of high-traffic platforms. While AmpiFire does not facilitate direct submission to Fortune, it can still be a valuable tool. The underlying power of AmpiFire rests in its automated outreach and robust network of media channels.

For those seeking a tailored experience, AmpiFire’s premium service is the way to go. This enhanced service ensures priority placements, dedicated support, and a more personalized strategy for content outreach. It’s especially beneficial for businesses and individuals aiming to regularly feature on top-tier platforms.

The AmpiFire Premium Service:

1. Streamlined Processes:
Manually reaching out to platforms like Fortune can be a time-consuming endeavor. AmpiFire simplifies this process by providing a structured pathway for direct submissions. The platform has mechanisms in place to ensure that your content aligns with any guidelines, thereby increasing the likelihood of acceptance.

2. Amplification Beyond Fortune:
While our focus here is on Fortune, it’s worth noting that AmpiFire’s network spans far beyond. Therefore, when you use AmpiFire for one publication, you’re potentially opening doors to numerous others, maximizing exposure.

3. Data-Driven Insights:
AmpiFire doesn’t just stop at publishing. It offers invaluable insights on content performance, giving you a clear understanding of how your content is faring and where improvements can be made.

In essence, AmpiFire emerges as a compelling solution for those seeking a hassle-free, efficient, and results-driven approach to publishing and beyond. It brings together the perfect blend of automation, expertise, and a vast network to ensure your content gets the spotlight it deserves.

Want to see organic results from distribution that’s done-for-you?

Discover AmpiFire and get your press releases be seen on Google News, YouTube, SlideShare, Apple Podcasts and many more…

Click Here To Learn More

Looking to leverage Fortune for your business or personal brand? Don’t wait. Dive in, use the insights provided, and make your mark. Here’s something to ponder on: How transformative could a single publication on Fortune be for your brand’s trajectory?

Frequently Asked Questions

What Makes Fortune a Go-To Platform for Press Releases?

Fortune stands out due to its vast readership, boasting millions of monthly visitors. This reputable platform caters to a business-savvy audience, making it ideal for press releases aiming to capture the attention of professionals, investors, and industry leaders.

How Do Traditional Press Releases Differ from Submitting News Tips on Fortune?

While traditional press releases are comprehensive announcements shared with journalists, news tips on Fortune are concise story pitches, targeting specific editors or segments. Therefore, the focus of a press release is broader, whereas a news tip is more specialized.

Is It Challenging to Contact Fortune and Pitch My Story?

Reaching out to Fortune is a systematic process. Presenting oneself professionally and adhering to their guidelines significantly ups the chances of your story being featured. Being persistent yet respectful is the key.

What’s the Big Deal about Getting a Backlink from Fortune?

Backlinks are links from one website to another. A backlink from a high-authority site like Fortune is invaluable for SEO, driving traffic, and enhancing online reputation. Given Fortune’s prestige, such a backlink is a feather in any brand’s cap.

Does Submitting a Press Release to Fortune Guarantee Acceptance?

While Fortune is open to press release submissions, acceptance isn’t guaranteed. Adhering to their guidelines, ensuring high-quality content, and having a newsworthy story enhance the probability of getting published.

How Does AmpiFire Aid in Publishing Directly to Fortune?

Unfortunately, AmpiFire does not submit directly to Fortune. However, AmpiFire ensures content alignment with any platform standards, offering a higher acceptance rate compared to manual outreach. Platforms like PRWeb or Newswire, though effective, lack the targeted approach AmpiFire offers.

Can I Use Other Platforms Apart from AmpiFire for Fortune Submissions?

Certainly. Platforms like PRWeb and Newswire also assist with press release distribution. However, AmpiFire’s tailored approach gives it a competitive edge.

Is AmpiFire’s Premium Service Worth the Investment?

Absolutely. AmpiFire’s premium service ensures priority placements, personalized strategies, and dedicated support. When aiming for top-tier platforms, this service offers a strategic advantage.

Are There Other Benefits of Using AmpiFire Besides Fortune Publications?

Yes. AmpiFire’s network spans a multitude of high-traffic platforms. So, using it potentially opens doors to numerous other platforms, including Fortune, multiplying your content’s reach.

How Does Fortune’s Audience Impact the Success of My Press Release?

Fortune’s audience is predominantly business-oriented. So, a press release on Fortune is more likely to be seen by industry professionals, investors, and decision-makers, amplifying its impact.


  • Matt McDaniel

    Matt is a new addition to the team who has a passion for creating content that's accessible to everyone. He brings a background in science education to our realm of PR, using his experience in community outreach to shape the ways he approaches content creation and crafting an audience. When not writing articles for our site, Matt enjoys reading, playing with his cats, and spending time with his family.