How Many Words Should the Perfect Press Release Be or Does Length Matter?

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Gazing upon your editor, you can’t help but marvel at the great work you have done preparing your Press Release.

How clever, awesome and productive I’ve been, you might think?

And before you can have a final look for any silly grammar errors, submit your Press Release for publishing, and congratulate yourself for a work well done, you stop and wonder

What’s the right Press Release length? How long should my Press Release be?

How Is The Perfect Press Release Born?

The preparation work for writing a Press Release most likely went something like this:

  • you came up with strong newsworthy information and an interesting angle for your story;
  • you researched and identified the keywords you wanted to focus on and target;
  • you collected the related media (images, video, logos, graphics) to exemplify the presented information;
  • you crafted a catchy headline;
    … and now you’re working on the body of your Press Release and your first, second draft?

Keep Your Press Release Simple, Short, Sweet & To The Point.

As you’re writing your Press Release, make sure that your text answers the most important W-questions about your news:

  • What happened/will happen?
  • Who are the parties involved & responsible?
  • When did/will it happen?
  • Where?
  • Why/How did it happen?
  • Why should a reader care about this information: why is it valuable and relevant?
  • Where can they find additional information and details?…

Your answers to this questions can be transformed into short and concise sentences and small paragraphs comprised of 3-4 sentences each for better readability.

Of course, such questions can create dozens of ideas as to what you can write about but remember that you’re not writing a blog post, an article, an opinion piece or a novel.

Your Press Release is well optimized if it includes the Most Important information & provides an opportunity to the reader to find more details by visiting your website or your Facebook page, by viewing a video on your YouTube channel or by contacting you for an interview.

Your aim is to craft a compelling enough message that can attract the attention of journalists so that your newsworthy story can get more coverage.

With all these tips in mind,

Try To Fit Your Press Release Into The 300-500 Word Range or On A Single Page.

In order to do so, don’t hesitate to rewrite your sentences or edit your text “aggressively”,  if you have passed the 500-600 wordmark.

Your Press Release has a very limited time to grab the attention of an editor or reporter (who according to studies might just scan your Press Release for 5-10 seconds before he decides whether it is worth his time or not), so make your words count.

While proofreading the Press Release you can always find out that you have included redundant information that can be just slashed out.

I always recommend to my clients and writers to refrain from using very fluff or hype language or jargon when writing their Press Releases and to always go through their text with a critical eye…

and a positive attitude from the standpoint This Is The Perfect Press Release.


In conclusion, the length of the Press Release is important that’s why you should bear in mind the number of your words and don’t try to tell the entire story in a single piece. Keep your Press Release short and to the point.

For more practical tips on how to write successful Press Releases – head over to our other articles from the category Tips & Tricks. You can learn a lot there.

For instance, do you know how long your Press Release should be: Check out this post to find our.: How Many Words Should The Perfect Press Release Be or Does Length Matter?

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  • Thula Chelvan

    Thula is a seasoned content expert who loves simplifying complex ideas into digestible content. With her experience creating easy-to-understand content across various industries like healthcare, telecommunications, and cybersecurity, she is now honing her skills in the art of crafting compelling PR. In her spare time, Thula can be found indulging in her love for art and coffee.